5 miles N of Mt. Doonerak and 40 mi. N of Wiseman, Brooks Range
Named in 1930 by Marshall (1956, p. 50) who wrote "Directly across Nakshakluk Creek rose the paired pinnacle of Twoprong Mountain, each prong jutting straight up into the sky."
Als Mountain, Boreal Mountain, Cockedhat Mountain, Mount Doonerak, Hanging Glacier Mountain, Inclined Mountain, Limestack Mountain, Midnight Mountain, North Peak, Snowheel Mountain, Twoprong Mountain, Whiteface Mountain, Wien Mountain,
Mountain Passes:Chimney Pass, Holmes Pass, Naqsralugiaq Pass, Peregrine Pass,
Streams:Alinement Creek, Alinement Creek, Amawk Creek, Barrenland Creek, Bombardment Creek, Holmes Creek, Karillyukpuk Creek, Pinnyanaktuk Creek, Saint Patricks Creek, Saint Patricks Creek,