In theEndicott Mountains, 3.2 km (2 mi) NE of Als Mountain and 43 km (27 mi) ESE of the community of Anaktuvuk Pass.
Named for the peregrine falcons which reportedly nest in the cliffs near the top ofthe pass.
East Alapah Glacier, West Alapah Glacier,
Lakes:Mountains:Alapah Mountain, Als Mountain, Blackface Mountain, Cockedhat Mountain, Mount Doonerak, Hanging Glacier Mountain, Inclined Mountain, Limestack Mountain, Marshmallow Mountain, Midnight Mountain, North Peak, Twoprong Mountain, Wien Mountain,
Mountain Passes:Streams:Alinement Creek, Alinement Creek, Amawk Creek, Barrenland Creek, Bombardment Creek, Ernie Creek, Grizzly Creek, Irish Creek, Kenunga Creek, Pyramid Creek, Saint Patricks Creek, Shushalluk Creek, Tributary Creek,