between heads of Holmes and Pyramid Creeks, 35 mi. NW of Wiseman, Brooks Range
Named about 1930 by Robert Marshall for the creek which heads in the pass.
Als Mountain, Blackface Mountain, Boreal Mountain, Chimney Mountain, Mount Doonerak, Foggytop Mountain, Hanging Glacier Mountain, Inclined Mountain, Midnight Mountain, Moving Mountain, North Peak, Redstar Mountain, Twoprong Mountain, Wien Mountain,
Mountain Passes:Chimney Pass, Gates of the Arctic, Holmes Pass,
Streams:Alinement Creek, Amawk Creek, Barrenland Creek, Bombardment Creek, Ernie Creek, Grizzly Creek, Holmes Creek, Irish Creek, Kachwona Creek, Kenunga Creek, Pinnyanaktuk Creek, Pyramid Creek, Saint Patricks Creek, Shushalluk Creek, Tributary Creek, Willow Creek,