on W shore of Three Saints Harbor, in Three Saints Bay, SE coast of Kodiak I.
Site of the first permanent Russian settlement in Alaska; established by Shelikov, founder of the Russian American Company. It As the headquarters of the company for only a short time before it was moved to Saint Paul (Kodiak). Sarichev (1826, map 17) applied the name "Seleniye Rossiysko-Amyerikanskoy Kompaniy," or "Settlement of the Russian American Company." Baker (1906, p. 625) wrote, "Three Saints has, by a curious transformation, became Ziatitz on some maps. The Russian verb sviatit, to sanctify, whence sviatoi, a saint, was written in English, 1849, by the Russian skipper Archimandritof Zfiatitz. The manuscript map on which this appeared***was published by the United States (Navy) Hydrographic Office in 1869. On that map we have 'Hr of 3 Saints and Zfiatitz'. One more changed and we have-on late charts-Ziatitz as the name of the native village Nunamiut." See Nunamiut.
Barling Bay, Japanese Bay, Kaiugnak Bay, Kiavak Bay, Knoll Bay, Natalia Bay, Newman Bay, Rolling Bay, Three Saints Bay, Three Saints Harbor,
Capes:Black Point, Cape Kasiak, Cape Kiavak, Cape Liakik, Knoll Point, Natalia Peninsula, Natalia Point,