on SW coast of Sitkalidak I., on SE coast of Kodiak I.
Descriptive name given in 1888 by Lieutenant Commander Tanner, U.S. Navy (USN), Commander of the U.S. Bureau of Fisheries (USBF) steamer Albatross from 1888 to 1893, while making investigations of fisheries and fishing grounds in the area. This name was published by von Krusenstern (1827, map 17) as "Point du Cap" or "Cape Point," and by Captain Tebenkov (1852, map 22) as "M(ys) Mysovskoy" or "Cape Promontory."
Amee Bay, Barling Bay, Cozy Cove, Port Hobron, McCord Bay, Natalia Bay, Newman Bay, Ocean Bay, Rolling Bay, Sitkalidak Lagoon, Three Saints Bay, Three Saints Harbor,
Capes:Black Point, Cape Kasiak, Cape Liakik, Fang Point, Harbor Hat Point, Natalia Peninsula, Natalia Point,
Channels:Dams:Islands:Amee Island, Cathedral Island, John Island, Nut Island, Puffin Island, Sitkalidak Island,