Information About

Shemya Island

Shemya Island

Quick Facts
  • Aleutians West (CA)
Nearest City:
Part of:

easternmost of Semichi I., Aleutian I.

History of Shemya Island

Reverend Coxe (1787, p. 50) applied this name to the entire group of islands called "Semichi" by the Russians. The name has subsequently been reapplied to this particular island. According to Golder (1922, p. 202, 275) this may have been the island named "St. Abraham" on Ocotber 29, 1741 (Old Style (O.S.) calendar), by Vitus Bering on the St Peter. See Semichi Island.

Places Near Shemya Island

Semichi Islands,


Alcan Harbor, Nizki Cove, Skoot Cove,


Fox Beach,


Shemya Pass,


Hammerhead Island, Lotus Island, Nizki Island, Shemya Island,

Mountain Passes:

Shemya Pass,


Diehm Creek,

Birds Sighted Here

Sorted by Most Common to Least Common Viewings

Short-tailed Shearwater, Black-legged Kittiwake, Tufted Puffin, Lapland Longspur, Cackling Goose, Northern Fulmar, Glaucous-winged Gull, Common Eider, Emperor Goose, Rock Sandpiper, Harlequin Duck, Common Murre, Snow Bunting, Red Phalarope, Pelagic Cormorant, Laysan Albatross, Red-faced Cormorant, Black Scoter, Whiskered Auklet, Pacific Golden-Plover, Brambling, Green-winged Teal, Buller's Shearwater, Ruddy Turnstone, Horned Puffin, Mallard, Common Redpoll, Song Sparrow, Long-tailed Duck, Gray-crowned Rosy Finch, Eurasian Wigeon, Northern Pintail, Ancient Murrelet, Least Auklet, Greater Scaup, Wood Sandpiper, Common Goldeneye, Pigeon Guillemot, Marbled Murrelet, Eyebrowed Thrush, Common Raven, Arctic Tern, Olive-backed Pipit, Bufflehead, Red-breasted Merganser, Bar-tailed Godwit, Mottled Petrel, Pectoral Sandpiper, Black-footed Albatross, Sandhill Crane, Aleutian Tern, Northern Shoveler, Red-necked Grebe, Long-billed Dowitcher, Tufted Duck, Horned Grebe, White-winged Scoter, Sanderling, Gray-tailed Tattler, Red-throated Loon, Sharp-tailed Sandpiper, Red-necked Phalarope, Rustic Bunting, Snow Goose, Parasitic Jaeger, Cassin's Auklet, Peregrine Falcon, Pine Siskin, Smew, Lesser Sand Plover, Whimbrel, Common Snipe, Common Loon, Whooper Swan, Common Merganser, Red-necked Stint, Common Sandpiper, Common Tern, Buff-bellied Pipit, Hawfinch, Garganey, Ruff, Pomarine Jaeger, Herring Gull, Snowy Owl, Eurasian Skylark, Pacific Wren, Bullfinch, Hoary Redpoll, Greater White-fronted Goose, Baikal Teal, Black-tailed Godwit, Long-toed Stint, Dunlin, Wandering Tattler, Greenshank, Arctic Loon, Violet-green Swallow, Bean Goose, Gadwall, Redhead, Common Pochard, King Eider, Common Cuckoo, Pacific Swift, Western Sandpiper, Long-tailed Jaeger, Black-headed Gull, Slaty-backed Gull, Pacific Loon, Grey-spotted Flycatcher, Northern Wheatear, Eastern Yellow Wagtail, Common Rosefinch, Tundra Bean Goose, Aleutian Cackling Goose, Tundra Swan, Falcated Teal, American Wigeon, Canvasback, Ring-necked Duck, Black-winged Stilt, Semipalmated Plover, Eurasian Dotterel, Bristle-thighed Curlew, Thick-billed Murre, Parakeet Auklet, Crested Auklet, Glaucous Gull, Yellow-billed Loon, Short-tailed Albatross, Great Egret, Rough-legged Hawk, Horned Lark, Swainson's Thrush, Siberian Rubythroat, Taiga Flycatcher, Bohemian Waxwing, White Wagtail, Red-throated Pipit, Lesser Scaup, Steller's Eider, Surf Scoter, Stejneger's Scoter, Barrow's Goldeneye, Oriental Cuckoo, White-throated Needletail, Eurasian Coot, Black Oystercatcher, Black-bellied Plover, Northern Lapwing, Common Ringed Plover, Little Ringed Plover, Far Eastern Curlew, Great Knot, Red Knot, Broad-billed Sandpiper, Curlew Sandpiper, Temminck's Stint, Baird's Sandpiper, Little Stint, Buff-breasted Sandpiper, Semipalmated Sandpiper, Terek Sandpiper, Green Sandpiper, Spotted Redshank, Greater Yellowlegs, Lesser Yellowlegs, Marsh Sandpiper, Rhinoceros Auklet, Red-legged Kittiwake, Ross's Gull, Black-tailed Gull, Common Gull, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Fork-tailed Storm-petrel, Leach's Storm-petrel, Osprey, Northern Harrier, Northern Goshawk, Bald Eagle, White-tailed Eagle, Steller's Sea Eagle, Short-eared Owl, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Eurasian Kestrel, Merlin, Eurasian Hobby, Brown Shrike, Northern Shrike, Tree Swallow, Bank Swallow, Barn Swallow, Wood Warbler, Dusky Warbler, Willow Warbler, Common Starling, Gray-cheeked Thrush, American Robin, Dusky Thrush, Bluethroat, Red-flanked Bluetail, Mugimaki Flycatcher, Cedar Waxwing, Siberian Accentor, Pechora Pipit, Pine Grosbeak, Oriental Greenfinch, Reed Bunting, Yellow-breasted Bunting, Little Bunting, Dark-eyed Junco, Golden-crowned Sparrow, Savannah Sparrow, Yellow Warbler, Yellow-rumped Warbler, Townsend's Warbler, Wilson's Warbler