near Northeast Point, on NE coast of Saint Paul I., in Pribilof Islands.
Named for Hayward Malcolm Hutchinson, businessman, one of the first Americans to reach Sitka in 1867. He bought the property of the Russian American Company forming Hutchinson, Kohl and Company. In 1872 it, in turn, was bought by the Alaska Commerical Company, which had secured the lease of the fur-seal rookeries of the Pribilof Islands. The name "Hutchinson Hill" is shown on Elliott's map of Saint Paul Island which was prepared in 1873-74.
Gorbotch Rookery, Kitovi Rookery, Lagoon Rookery, Little Polovina Rookery, Lukanin Rookery, Nah Speel, Polovina Rookery, Reef Rookery, Tolstoi Rookery, Vostochnie Rookery,
Bays:English Bay, Lukanin Bay, North Bay, Salt Lagoon, Village Cove, Walrus Bight, Zolotoi Bay,
Beaches:Adguix, Chiqix Hasax, North Beach, Polovina Sands, Smiilix, Tolstoi Sands, West Landing, Zolotoi Sands,
Capes:Halfway Point, Kitovi Point, Lukanin Point, North Point, Northeast Point, Polovina Point, Qakaankinga, Reef Point, Sea Lion Point, Stony Point, Tolstoi Point, Tonki Point,
Cliffs:Hills:Bogoslof Hill, Chugilgux̂, Cross Hill, Lake Dune, Gull Hill, Hutchinson Hill, Lake Hill, Little Polovina Hill, Low Hill, Lukanin Hill, Middle Hill, Polovina Hill, Slope Hill, Telegraph Hill,
Islands:Ardiguen, Haystack, Kamenisti, Kitavie Rock, Saint Paul Island, Sea Lion Rock, Walrus Island,
Lakes:Anidax Anii, BaraabraxÌ‚ Anii, Big Lake, BluudichaxÌ‚ Anii, ChaaskaxÌ‚ Anii, Chigilix Anii, ChuguxÌ‚ Anii, ChuluugidaxÌ‚ Anii, Icehouse Lake, KalukaxÌ‚ Anii, Kamenisti Lake, Kaxilax Anii, LuugixÌ‚ Anii, MaruniichaxÌ‚ Anii, Ngatxux UluuxÌ‚tanaxÃŒâ€Å, Polovina Lake, Qamgaagam Anii, Qaqa Anii, Qayam Anii, QdaxÌ‚ UlaxÌ‚ Anii, Qyaam AniidaxÌ‚, Rocky Lake, SakuchaxÌ‚ Anii, Sheep Lake, Tata Anii, Tumdaanax Anii, UnalixÌ‚talix UluuxÃŒâ€ÅÂ, Webster Lake,
Locales:Chugix, Vesolia Mista, Vostochnie,