N of St. Paul, on S coast of St. Paul I., in Pribilof Islands.
Local name recorded about 1900 by U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey (USC&GS).
Gorbotch Rookery, Kitovi Rookery, Lagoon Rookery, Little Polovina Rookery, Lukanin Rookery, Nah Speel, Polovina Rookery, Reef Rookery, Tolstoi Rookery, Vostochnie Rookery, Zapadni Rookery,
Bars:Bays:English Bay, Lincoln Bight, Lukanin Bay, North Bay, Salt Lagoon, Southwest Bay, Village Cove, Walrus Bight, Zolotoi Bay,
Beaches:Adguix, Chiqix Hasax, North Beach, Polovina Sands, Smiilix, Tolstoi Sands, West Landing, Zolotoi Sands,
Capes:Halfway Point, Kitovi Point, Lukanin Point, North Point, Northeast Point, Northwest Point, Polovina Point, Qakaankinga, Reef Point, Sea Lion Point, Southwest Point, Stony Point, Tolstoi Point, Tonki Point, Zapadni Point,
Cliffs:Anĝilasax, Ax̂alux, Black Bluffs, Crater Point, Emahnuhto Bluffs, Iĝanuta, Low Bluffs,
Hills:Bogoslof Hill, Chugilgux̂, Cone Hill, Crater Hill, Cross Hill, Lake Dune, Fox Hill, Gull Hill, Hutchinson Hill, Lake Hill, Little Polovina Hill, Low Hill, Lukanin Hill, Middle Hill, North Hill, Polovina Hill, Pot Hill, Ridge Hill, Ridge Wall, Rush Hill, Slope Hill, Telegraph Hill,
Islands:Antones Island, Ardiguen, Haystack, Kamenisti, Kitavie Rock, Otter Island, Saint Paul Island, Sea Lion Rock,
Lakes:Anidax Anii, Antone Lake, BaraabraxÌ‚ Anii, Big Lake, BluudichaxÌ‚ Anii, ChaaskaxÌ‚ Anii, Chigilix Anii, Chmanax Anii, ChuguxÌ‚ Anii, ChuluugidaxÌ‚ Anii, GidaaxÌ‚ Anii, Icehouse Lake, KalukaxÌ‚ Anii, Kamenisti Lake, Kaxilax Anii, LuugixÌ‚ Anii, MaruniichaxÌ‚ Anii, Ngatxux UluuxÌ‚tanaxÃŒâ€Å, Polovina Lake, Qamgaagam Anii, Qaqa Anii, Qayam Anii, QdaxÌ‚ UlaxÌ‚ Anii, Qyaam AniidaxÌ‚, Rocky Lake, SakuchaxÌ‚ Anii, Sheep Lake, Tata Anii, TataxÌ‚ Anii, Tumdaanax Anii, UnalixÌ‚talix UluuxÃŒâ€ÅÂ, Webster Lake,
Locales:Chugix, Seethah, Tsammana, Vesolia Mista, Vostochnie,
Mountain Ranges:Cities: