between Northeast and Sea Lion Points, on NE coast of St. Paul I., in Pribilof Islands.
Named in 1897 by W.W. Duffield, U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey (USC&GS).
Gorbotch Rookery, Kitovi Rookery, Lagoon Rookery, Little Polovina Rookery, Lukanin Rookery, Nah Speel, Polovina Rookery, Reef Rookery, Tolstoi Rookery, Vostochnie Rookery,
Bays:Lukanin Bay, North Bay, Salt Lagoon, Village Cove, Walrus Bight, Zolotoi Bay,
Beaches:Adguix, Chiqix Hasax, North Beach, Polovina Sands, Smiilix, Tolstoi Sands, West Landing, Zolotoi Sands,
Capes:Halfway Point, Kitovi Point, Lukanin Point, North Point, Northeast Point, Polovina Point, Qakaankinga, Reef Point, Sea Lion Point, Stony Point, Tolstoi Point, Tonki Point,
Cliffs:Hills:Bogoslof Hill, Chugilgux̂, Cross Hill, Lake Dune, Gull Hill, Hutchinson Hill, Lake Hill, Little Polovina Hill, Low Hill, Lukanin Hill, Middle Hill, Polovina Hill, Slope Hill, Telegraph Hill,
Islands:Ardiguen, Haystack, Kamenisti, Kitavie Rock, Saint Paul Island, Sea Lion Rock, Walrus Island,
Lakes:Anidax Anii, BaraabraxÌ‚ Anii, Big Lake, BluudichaxÌ‚ Anii, ChaaskaxÌ‚ Anii, Chigilix Anii, ChuguxÌ‚ Anii, ChuluugidaxÌ‚ Anii, Icehouse Lake, KalukaxÌ‚ Anii, Kamenisti Lake, Kaxilax Anii, LuugixÌ‚ Anii, MaruniichaxÌ‚ Anii, Ngatxux UluuxÌ‚tanaxÃŒâ€Å, Polovina Lake, Qamgaagam Anii, Qaqa Anii, Qayam Anii, QdaxÌ‚ UlaxÌ‚ Anii, Qyaam AniidaxÌ‚, Rocky Lake, SakuchaxÌ‚ Anii, Sheep Lake, Tata Anii, Tumdaanax Anii, UnalixÌ‚talix UluuxÃŒâ€ÅÂ, Webster Lake,
Locales:Chugix, Vesolia Mista, Vostochnie,