in Glacier Bay National Monument, heads in Plateau Glacier, trends E to Muir Inlet, 1.6 mi. NW of Point McLeod and 63 mi. NW of Hoonah, St. Elias Mts.
Named for the U.S.S. Wachusett which entered Glacier Bay in 1881. The inlet has been formed since 1907 by the recession of Plateau and Muir Glaciers. It was named "Cushing Inlet" for Cushing Glacier by U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey (USC&GS) and published on Chart 8306 in 1942. It was called "Wisconsin Inlet" by members of the Glacier Bay Expedition of 1941 (Field, 1947, map), because John Muir, R. S. Tarr, Lawrence Martin, and F. T. Thwaites, geologic investigators in this area, were connected with the University of Wisconsin.
Glacier Bay, Goose Cove, Hugh Miller Inlet, Hunter Cove, Muir Inlet, Nunatak Cove, Sebree Cove, Stump Cove, Tidal Inlet, Wachusett Inlet,
Capes:Point McLeod, Point George, Caroline Point, Muir Point, Rowlee Point, Tlingit Point, Westdahl Point, Wolf Point,
Glaciers:Andrews Glacier, Baldwin Glacier, Burroughs Glacier, Cushing Glacier, Dying Glacier (historical), Loomis Glacier, Morse Glacier, Muir Glacier, Patton Glacier, Plateau Glacier, Twin Glacier,
Hills:Islands:Garforth Island, Lone Island, Sealers Island, Sebree Island,
Lakes:Mountains:Black Cap Mountain, Black Mountain, Mount Brock, Mount Cadell, Mount Kloh Kutz, Knob G, Mount Merriam, The Nunatak, Pyramid Peak, Mount Wordie,
Mountain Passes:Ridges:Bruce Hills, Emerson Peaks, Idaho Ridge, McConnell Ridge, Minnesota Ridge, Oberlin Ridge, White Thunder Ridge,