Information About



Quick Facts
  • Hoonah-Angoon (CA)
Nearest City:
  • 282 ft (85.95 m)

Located on the north shore of Chilkat River, 2.6 km (1.4 mi) southeast of Glass Point and 34 km (21 mi) southwest of Skagway, Coast Mountains.

History of Klukwan

Originally a Tlingit Indian village the name of which, as reported by the U.S. Navy in 1880, was "Chilcat of Klukquan," which is said to mean "the old town." W. H. Dale (U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1883 p. 198), U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey (USC&GS), reported the inhabitants called the village "Klu-kwan." At that time it consisted of 65 houses and 560 inhabitants. Aurel and Arthur Krause (1883, map) reported the name as "Kloquan." It was listed in the 11th Census in 1890 as "Klakwan," and it had 30 houses and 326 inhabitants, of which only three were non-Indian. The spelling "Klukwan" was adopted by the Canadian Board on Geographic Names.