heads at 651100N1434600W, flows NE to Yukon River 16 mi. NW of its junction with Charley River, Yukon-Tanana High.
Local name found on a manuscript map by E. F. Ball dated 1898 and on a fieldsheet prepared by A. J. Collier, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in 1902. The name may allude to woodchopping on the banks of this stream to furnish fuel for river steamboats.
Mount Ernest Patty, Slaven Dome,
Mountain Ranges:Streams:Beaton Pup, Boulder Creek, Caribou Creek, Cheese Creek, Coal Creek, Colorado Creek, Dome Creek, Edwards Creek, Grouse Creek, Iron Creek, Mineral Creek, Moore Creek, Pendergast Pup, Rose Creek, Slate Creek, Snare Creek, Woodchopper Creek,