flows N to Woodchopper Creek, 4 mi. SSW of that stream's junction with Yukon River and 41 mi. SE of Circle, Yukon-Tanana High.
Prospectors' name reported by A. H. Brooks (in Brooks and others, 1907, p. 203), U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). This stream was "staked" as early as 1898, and by 1906 was the principal placer gold-mining site on Woodchopper Creek.
Mount Ernest Patty, Mount Kathryn, Slaven Dome, Twin Mountain,
Mountain Ranges:Streams:Boulder Creek, Caribou Creek, Cheese Creek, Colorado Creek, Dome Creek, Edwards Creek, Eureka Creek, Grouse Creek, Iron Creek, Mineral Creek, Moore Creek, Rose Creek, Slate Creek, Snare Creek, Webber Creek, Woodchopper Creek,