Information About

Bottom Dollar Creek

Bottom Dollar Creek

Quick Facts
  • Yukon-Koyukuk (CA)
Nearest City:
  • 1476 ft (449.88 m)

Flows south-southeast 4.5 miles to Harrison Creek.

History of Bottom Dollar Creek

This stream was called Squaw Creek by Prindle (1906, pl. 1), U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). However, as another stream bore that name, the local prospectors applied the present name to the above described stream, which was reported in 1908 by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) as Bottom Gulch. The name was reported in 1910 by C. E. Ellsworth and G. L. Parker (in Brooks and others, 1911, p. 164), U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).