heads at Talkeetna Glacier in Talkeetna Mts. at 621100N, 1482900W, flows NW and SW to Susitna River at Talkeetna, Cook Inlet Low.
Floating the River
The most popular place to put in is being dropped above the Prairie Creek confluence. Though if you're not packing inflatable gear you may need to charter a float plane to strap your kayak to the outside of the plane. In which case you'll probably be landing on Murder Lake, possibly Stephan Lake depending on the size of the plane you're requiring.
Talkeetna River host class III and IV through Talkeetna Canyon that extend over 10 miles. Rapids include "Entrance Exam", "Toilet Bowl", "Sluice Box", rapids and well as gentler floating once in the valley.
Toilet Bowl should be scouted before shooting.
The first 10 miles of the float are where all the action is but it doesn't mean the rest of the float isn't worth completing. Through the canyon you can drop around 44 feet per mile, while the rest of the float is around just under 20 feet per mile.
Drive to Talkeetna and you've made it. Those looking to float the river will likely be hiring the services of a local air taxi service to drop them off up river.
Tanaina Indian name reported in 1898 to mean "river of plenty" by G. H. Eldridge and Robert Muldrow, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).Naming: Tanaina Indian name reported in 1898 to mean "river of plenty" by G. H. Eldridge and Robert Muldrow, United States Geological Survey.
September 5, 2023 | 1 person died | boating | Read More |
Ch-anilkaq-, Ch-aten Kaq-, K-t-usq-a Kaq-,
Cities:Fictional Places:Lakes:Lake September, Baldy Lake, Benka Lake, Christiansen Lake, Cygnet Lake, Lake Denali, Devore Lake, East Sunshine Lake, Fish Lake, Lake Five, Lake Four, Halfway Lake, Heritage Lake, Little Question Lake, Lake Long, Long Lake, Long Lake, Mama Bear Lake, Montana Lake, North Friend Lake, Lake One, Papa Bear Lake, Question Lake, Rockys Lakes, Sawmill Lake, Scotty Lake, Section House Lake, Lake Six, Snowflake Lake, South Friend Lake, Spruce Lake, Sunshine Lakes, Talkeetna Lakes, Tigger Lake, Lake Two, Willie Lake, Woman Lake, X Lake, Y Lake,
Mountain Passes:Mountain Ranges:Rivers:Chulitna River, Talkeetna River,
Streams:Answer Creek, Billion Slough, Birch Creek, Birch Creek Slough, Buddy Creek, Chunilna Creek, Dog Hair Creek, Lane Creek, Middle Fork Montana Creek, North Fork Montana Creek, Queer Creek, Question Creek, Rabideux Creek, Sawmill Creek, South Fork Montana Creek, Sunshine Creek, Trapper Creek, Twister Creek, Whiskers Creek, Whiskey Slough, Wiggle Creek,