Information About

Cherni Island

Cherni Island

Quick Facts
  • Aleutians East
Nearest City:
  • 26 ft (7.92 m)

part of Sandman Reefs, 15 mi. S of Deer I., Aleutian Range. 2 miles long.

History of Cherni Island

Name given by U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey (USC&GS) in 1936 to avoid conflict with the larger Chernabura Island of the Shumagin Island, 90 mi. to the northeast. The Russian name "Chernabura," from the words "Chyorny" meaning "black" and "burnastyy" meaning "brown," was given to this island by U.S. Bureau of Fisheries (USBF) in 1888. The Aleut name was published as "Taganak" by Lieutenant Sarichev (1826, map 3), Imperial Russian Navy (IRN), from the word "taganaq" meaning "it alighted."