in Glacier Bay National Monument, trends NW to Johns Hopkins Inlet, 1.6 mi. NE of the 1961 terminus of Gilman Glacier and 78 mi. NW of Hoonah, St. Elias Mts. 6.5 miles long.
Indian name reported by the American Geographical Society in 1936. This glacier was named for the Huna (Hoonah) subdivison of the Tlingit Indians, Ho were located in the Cross Sound area.
Johns Hopkins Inlet, Tarr Inlet,
Capes:Glaciers:Charley Glacier, Clark Glacier, Gilman Glacier, Hoonah Glacier, John Glacier, Johns Hopkins Glacier, Jones Glacier, Kadachan Glacier, Kashoto Glacier, Lamplugh Glacier, Margerie Glacier, Topeka Glacier, Toyatte Glacier, Tyeen Glacier,
Mountains:Mount Abbe, Mount Bertha, Mount Cooper, Mount Crillon, Mount Forde, Mount Orville, Mount Parker, Mount Wright,
Mountain Ranges:Streams: