on S side of Aniakchak River 5 mi. above its mouth and 16 mi. W of Cape Kunmik, on Alaska Peninsula, Aleutian Range
Name used by trappers and reported in 1923 by R. H. Sargent, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in reference to "the rough water of the Aniakchak River at this point;" shown on a 1924 U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) map.
Cape Ayutka, Cape Horn, Cape Kumlik, Elephant Head Point,
Cliffs:Islands:Mountains:Parks:Aniakchak National Monument and Preserve,
Rivers:Aniakchak River, North Fork, North Fork Aniakchak River,
Streams:Albert Johnson Creek, Black Creek, Main Creek, Mountain Creek, Mystery Creek, Northeast Creek, Village Creek, West Creek, Wiggly Creek, Wolverine Creek,