Information About

Tolstoi Point

Tolstoi Point

Quick Facts
  • Aleutians West (CA)
Nearest City:
  • 187 ft (57 m)

on E tip of St. George I., in Pribilof Islands.

History of Tolstoi Point

Descriptive Russian name, reported in 1903 by G. R. Putnam, U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey (USC&GS), from the Russian "tolstoy" meaning "thick" (p. 1013-1015). Putnam claimed (in Baker, 1906, p. 631): "The native name is "Kagalogh" * * * "which probably comes from the Aleut word "Kagaluk," meaning "stern of a baidarka," according to R. H. Geoghegan. This feature was called by Captain Tebenkov (1852, map 21) Imperial Russian Navy (IRN), Vostochnoy," meaning "East Cape."

Found on the following Topo Maps
Pribilof Islands (1958),