1.2 mi. E of village of Saint George, on N coast of Saint George I., in Pribilof Islands.
The name is reported as "Little Eastern Rookery" by Elliott (1881, p. 61); this rookery has 750 ft. of sea=margin for seals. It was called "Little East Rookery" by Joseph Stanley=Brown, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in 1891, and by W. W. Duffield, U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey (USC&GS), in 1897. Putam (1903, p. 1015), U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey (USC&GS), gives the Aleut name as "Kreg'lucht'en-ang'ten-algarel'ogrey." (Board on Geographic Names (BGN) orthography) meaning "the rookery at Kregluchten." See Kregluchten. "the rookery at Kregluchten." See Kregluchten.
Agis-chucka, Great East Rookery, Little East Rookery, North Rookery, Samla logh chuka, Samla-logh-chuka, Staraya Artil Rookery, Zapadni Rookery,
Bays:Algan-uda, Dravnoi, Garden Cove, Zapadni Bay,
Beaches:Kitasiilux̂ Sitxa, Qigduxtam Kadaa, Ustinam Sitxaa,
Capes:Cascade Point, Itkidagula Point, Kragluchten Point, Qagaadan Kadaa, Sealion Neck, Takamgia Point, Tolstoi Point, Ularakartha Point, Yar-am-anatu-ulug,
Cliffs:Agisogh, Anagchucknun-a, Ananongutka, First Bluff, High Bluffs, Kamina, Naro-am-unga, Red Bluffs, Stepanutcha Cliff, Umanangula Bluffs,
Hills:Agisam Kuvruska, Agisam-koverushka, Gull Hill, Kawanera, Maynard Hill, North Sealion Hill, South Hill, South Sealion Hill, Ulakaia Hill,
Islands:Aagyuuĝim Nuĝa, Myak Rock, Saint George Island,
Lakes:An-agchucknun-am-an-yi, Aniqdux̂siilum Anii, Anuckaselogh, Atka Lake, Bear Lake, Chuguĝiidam Anii, Govorushka Lake, Nuĝaadam Anii, Qagaadan Aniida, Seal Lake, Tanax̂taqan Anii, Tanogtukan Lake, Ulaqayagan Achidan Anii, Umanangula Lake, Upper Lake,
Locales:Agaan-kinga, Iganatum Mayaakaa, Magusim Qayaa, Numaadaa, Numadan Pristinaa, Stinam Isana,
Ridges:Routes:Chaangiqluux - Garden Cove Foot Path,
Valleys:Holostiak-ralog, Ikoum-unga, Kodogh, Qakaan-kingagn Quduu,