E point between Disenchantment and Yakutat Bays, 25 mi. N of Yakutat, St. Elias Mts.
Named in 1794 by Lieutenant Peter Puget Royal Navy (RN), (in Vancouver, 1798, v.3, p.224), undoubtedly for Admiral Latouche-Treville, French naval commander (Wagner, 1937, p. 394) during the French Revolution and later under Napoleon Bonaparte. In 1791, Captain Malaspina (Galiano, 1802, map 9) named it "Punta de la Esperanza." meaning "point of hope, " alluding to his hope of finding the Northwest Passage at the end of Yakutat Bay.
Hubbard Glacier Geological Area, Kwik Delta,
Bars:Bays:Chicago Harbor, Disenchantment Bay, Eleanor Cove, Yakutat Bay,
Beaches:Capes:Point Latouche, Bancas Point, Blizhni Point, Puget Peninsula,
Cliffs:Glaciers:Alexander Glacier, Atrevida Glacier, Black Glacier, Galiano Glacier, Haenke Glacier, Hendrickson Glacier, Henry Glacier, Latouche Glacier, Miller Glacier, Rasmuson Glacier, Turner Glacier,
Islands:Haenke Island, Knight Island, Neeg Island, Osier Island, Strawberry Island, Tla-xagh Island,
Lakes:Mountains:Mount Alexander, Amphitheater Knob, Gilbert Point, Mount Hendrickson, Mount Hoorts, Mount Mallott, Mount Rasmuson, Mount Tebenkof, Terrace Point,
Rivers:Streams:Aquadulce Creek, Calahonda Creek, Esker Stream, Indian Camp Creek,