trends NE 10 mi. to Chignik Bay, along NW coast of Castle Cape, 9 mi. SE of Chignik, on Alaska Peninsula; Aleutian Range
named in 1899 by Lieutenant Commander J. F. Moser, U.S. Navy (USN), of the U.S. Bureau of Fisheries (USBF) steamer Albatross, "after Castle Cape to the southeast."
Anchorage Bay, Castle Bay, Chignik Bay, Devils Bay, Jack Bay, Lake Bay, Lumber Bay, Mud Bay, Necessity Cove, Nikolai Cove, Northwest Arm Castle Bay, Ross Cove, Warner Bay,
Capes:Castle Cape, Jack Point, Tuliumnit Point,
Cities:Cliffs:Dams:Alaska Packers Association Chignik Dam, Peter Pan Seafoods Chignik Dam,
Islands:Anguvik Island, Chankliut Island, Eagle Rock,
Mountains:Chignik Mountain, Ship Mountain,