Information About

Stony River

Stony River

Quick Facts
  • Bethel (CA)
Nearest City:
  • 249 ft (75.9 m)

population 75, on N bank of Kuskokwim River 0.9 mi. N of its junction with Stony River, 20 mi. NE of Sleetmute, Stony River Low.

History of Stony River

Indian village that began with a trading post and riverboat landing to supply the mining area to the north. This settlement, originally called "Moose Village" was located near the mouth of Moose Creek, but subsequently has moved to this location about 1.5 miles upstream. The Stony River post office was established in 1935 (Ricks, 1965, p. 61). See Moose Village.

Places Near Stony River

Stony River, Stony River Cutoff,


Moose Creek, Muskeg Creek, Muskrat Creek,


Stony River,