Information About

Moose Creek

Moose Creek

Quick Facts
  • Matanuska-Susitna
Nearest City:
Tributary to:
  • 302 ft (92.05 m)

heads at glacier on Montana Peak, in Talkeetna Mts., flows S to Matanuska River, 5.5 mi. NE of Palmer, Cook Inlet Low.

History of Moose Creek

Local name obtained in 1910 by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). In 1898 Captain Glenn (in Glenn and Abercrombie, 1899, p. 52), USA, referred to the stream as "Tsadaka," which appears to be either a Tanaina Indian word or a combination of Indian and Russian words meaning "moose."

Places Near Moose Creek

Skitnu Hdakaq-,




4th of July Wall,


Independence Mine Dam, Sherwood Estates Dam,


Glacier G210960E61831N, Mint Glacier,


Burnt Butte,


Pigs in a Blanket,


Baird Lake, Barbel Lake, Bradley Lake, Burkholder Lake, Butte Lake, Canoe Lake, Clear Lake, Cornelius Lake, Coyote Lake, Dandy Lake, Echo Lake, Elks Lake, Ezi Slough, Falks Lake, Finger Lakes, Gooding Lake, Gull Lake, High Ridge Lake, Irene Lake, Jim Lake, Johnson Lake, Kepler Lake, Klaire Lake, Kleinsmith Lake, Leaf Lake, Long Lake, Lower Reed Lake, Matanuska Lake, McLeod Lake, Reflections Lake, Seventeenmile Lake, Slipper Lake, Swan Lake, Triangle Lake, Upper Reed Lake, Walby Lake, Wishbone Lake, Wolverine Lake,


Lake Run, Nunatak East, Nunatak West, Point 30, Stairstep, The Glades,


Arch Prospect, Baxter Mine, Buffalo Mine, Conrock North Pit, Eska Mine, Evan Jones Mine, Fern Mine, Lane Prospect, Lonesome Mine, Mabel Mine, Matanuska Sinner Mine, New Black Diamond Mine, Premier Mine, Rae-Wallace Mine, Snowbird Mine, Talkeetna Mine, Webfoot Prospect,


Bodenburg Butte, Eska Mountain, Granite Peak, Idaho Peak, Knob Hill, Lazy Mountain, Marmot Mountain, Matanuska Peak, Montana Peak, Pioneer Peak, Souvenir Peak, Wishbone Hill,


Coyote Lake Park, Moose Creek State Recreation Area,

Mountain Passes:

Backdoor Gap, Bomber-in-a-day Pass, Grizzly Pass, Point 40, Rabbit Slough, Sobriety Pass, Spring Creek,


3 Bell Spire, Arkose Peak, Crag, Delia Benchmark, Dewlap Peak, Didikama, Doublemint, Frontier Peak, Good Hope Towers, Higher Spire, Hunchback Spire, Lower Spire, Lynx Peak, Managemint, Microdot, Nunatak, Outpost Peak, Parlimint, Peppermint, Rae-Wallace, South Pioneer Peak, Spearmint, Teeny Weene, Telemint, Tenemint, Triplemint, Troublemint, Turnkey Peak, Vegetarian Peak, Yisbo,


Arkose Ridge, President's Ridge,


Mile 16 Ski Run, Paradise Ski Run,


Archangel Creek, Bodenburg Creek, Buffalo Creek, Carnegie Creek, Delia Creek, Doone Creek, Eska Creek, Ezi Slough, Fairangel Creek, Fishhook Creek, Glacier Creek, Gloryhole Creek, Goat Creek, Goodhope Creek, Granite Creek, Iron Creek, Jim Creek, Knob Creek, Little Granite Creek, McRoberts Creek, Moose Creek, Palmer Creek, Premier Creek, Reed Creek, Sidney Creek, Wolverine Creek,


Arch Prospect Trail, Fairangel Trail, Gold Mint Trail, Hatcher Pass Snowmobile Trail, Hatcher Pass Snowmobile Trail 1, Lane Basin (Old Road) Trail, Lane Basin Trail, Reed Lakes Trail, Snowbird Trail,


Lone Tree Gulch, Matanuska Valley, Tsadaka Canyon,


Butte, Eska, Gateway, Jonesville, Lazy Mountain, Matanuska, Sutton,