In Franklin Mts., heads at glacier 5 mi. S of Mount Chamberlin, tlows NE and then E to the Hulahula River, 8 mi NW of Mount Michelson, Brooks Range
Eskimo name obtained at Barter Island by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Geologists in 1948 and reported to mean "fall" or "drop," which may refer to rapids or falls along the course of the stream. It was reported by C. L. Whittington, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in 1960.
Glacier G215656E69249N, Glacier G215674E69316N,
Mountains:Kikiktat Mountain, Kingak Cliff,
Rivers:Streams:East Patuk Creek, Esetuk Creek, Karen Creek, Katak Creek, Kolotuk Creek, Old Man Creek, Old Woman Creek, West Patuk Creek,