a section of main channel of Tanana River, S of Sawmill I., 10 mi. N of Nenana, Tanana Low.
Local name probably derived from the existence of soldiers at the U. S. Army Signal Corps telegraph station at North Nenana. Name reported in 1950 by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).
Beth T-otono Dochaget, Neenano- Xudochaget, Toch-edha Neek-a Dochaget,
Bars:Cities:Islands:Crescent Island, Nooku Ch-edagheedhot Noo-, Sawmill Island,
Lakes:All Hand Help Lake, Beaver Dam Lake, Big Lake, Bridge Lake, Clear Lake, Grassy Lake, Linder Lakes, Long Lake, Lunch Lake, Nenana City Pond, Nothoolch-edodetthatl Bena, Totth-eeya Bena, Tr-adanee-oyee T-ox Datltonee, Wooden Canoe Lake,
Mountain Passes:Rivers:East Middle River, Little Nenana River, Nenana River, Totchaket Slough, West Middle River,
Streams:Nunivak Slough, Sawmill Slough, Soldier Slough, Twentyfour Mile Slough,
Streams:Fish Creek, Seventeenmile Slough,