heads at terminus of Bering Glacier, flows E and #sw to Gulf of Alaska, 9 mi. W of mouth of Kaliakh River and 97 mi. SE of Cordova, Malaspina Coastal Plain
Indian name transcribed into Russian by Captain Tebenkov (1852, map 7), Imperial Russian Navy (IRN) as "R(eka) Tsivot" or "Tsivor River." G. C. Martin, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), recorded the name in 1904 as "Tsi-u."
Bentwood Island, Peat Falls Island, Tsitus Island, Weeping Peat Island,
Lakes:Hanna Lake, Midimber Lake, Tsiu Lake, Tsivat Lake,
Mountain Passes:Ridges:Rivers:Abandoned River, East Fork Tsivat River, Kosakuts River, Tsiu River, Tsivat River, West Fork Tsivat River,