heads from several glaciers in Alaska Range at 613630N1535850W flows W and NW to Kuskowim River, 13 mi. NE of Sleetmute, Stony River Low.
Local translation of Eskimo name recorded as "R(eka) Chagvanakhtuli" in 1842-44 by Lieutenant L. A. Zagoskin, Imperial Russian Navy (IRN). Given as "Chakawunapuk" on a 1898 fieldsheet byW. S. Post, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), but published as"Chagavenapuk." by J. E. Spurr, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Zagoskin also gave the Indian name which he recorded as "Khockalitno." in 1908 A. G. Maddren, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), reported the translated name as "Swift River."