On Saint Lawrence Island, heads on the N slopes of the Kookooligit Mountains and flows N 6 mi. to the Bering Sea, 2.5 mi SE of Savoonga Point.
Eskimo name recommended by the Savoonga village council and reported in 1949 by Major H. B. Allen, U.S. Air Force (USAF).
Kitleekot Rocks, Savoonga Reef,
Bays:Koomlangeelkuk Bay, Punelok Bay, Ughkooleekuk Cove,
Capes:Cape Myaughee, Kookoolik Cape, Koovukseluk Point, Savoonga Point,
Cities:Cliffs:Cape Myaughee, Lyeel-ghit Cliff, Pinaghat Cliff,
Glaciers:Hills:Islands:Lakes:Mountains:Mountain Ranges:Rivers:Streams: