formed by junction of Coco and Johnston Creeks, flows SW to Marys Lake, 32 mi. E of Teller, Seward Peninsula High.
Eskimo name reported by "some of the Franklin search parties about 1850" as "Cov-vee-arak." It was called "Kauveren" and "Ka-ooveren" by Commodore Joseph Billings in 1790. The prospectors' name "Marys River" was reported in 1901 by T. G. Gerdine (in Collier, 1902, pl. 12), U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). This name probably referred to the Eskimo woman who ran the roadhouse known as "Marys Igloo."
Cobblestone River, Kaviruk River, Kruzgamepa River, Kuzitrin River, Pilgrim River,
Streams:Coco Creek, Davidsons Slough, Grand Union Creek, Hunter Creek, Johnston Creek, Nickle Creek, Pass Creek, Smith Creek, Winter Creek,