flows NE to Yukon River, 33 mi. SW of Nulato, Nulato Hills.
Indian name reported in 1900 by Lieutenant J. C. Cantwell, U.S. Revenue-Cutter Service (USRCS); he also gave the name as "Rotokakat," undoubtedly obtained from Father Julius Jette at Nulato who used the "R" to express the "Kh" sound. This name would generally agree then with the Indian name "Khotakhkakat" reported in 1842-44 by Lieutenant L. A. Zagoskin, Imperial Russian Navy (IRN). See Khotol River. It appears as if the present name "Kaltag River" is one of the rare cases where a village gave its name to a stream.
Big Eightmile Island, Little Eightmile Island, Sevenmile Island, Short Island,
Mountains:Notakok Mountain, Tamantaloi Hill,