heads in Kuskokwim Mts. at 623200N1573100W, flows N to Innoko River, 40 mi. NW of Ophir and 68 mi. NW of McGrath, Innoko Low. 60 miles long.
Ingalik Indian name recorded as "Deetna" or "Deet River" in 1907 by A. H. Brooks, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). In 1908 the name was spelled "Dischna" and "Dishna" by A. G. Maddren, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), and "Dichna" on a post-route map, probably a corruption of "Dikna" by the prospectors.
Dishkakat, Paltchikatno, Simels,
Lakes:Mountain Ranges:Ridges:Rivers:Streams:Coffee Creek, Crescent Creek, Last Chance Creek, Madison Creek, Stink Creek, Taft Creek, Tolstoi Creek, Tom Creek, Wapoo Creek,