flows SE to Koyukuk River, 11 mi. NW of Roundabout Mtn., Koyukuk Low. 30 miles long.
Koyukuk Indian name first reported by Lieutenant Allen (1887, p. 105), USA, as Doggetlooskat River and Doggetlooscat. F. C. Schrader, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), gave the spelling Doggetlikakat meaning mouth of the Dogetli from which Dagitli is derived. This name seems to be related to the Dagislakhna, applied to a stream in the Tozitna drainage.
Crow Lake, Denlumungut Lake, Hatseegatloth Lake, Peter Cleaver Lake,
Rivers:Streams:Kozakakat Slough, Kozakakat Slough,