Near the E end of the Third Range and separated from the remainder of that range by the Sadlerochit River, NW of Lake Schrader and 23 mi. NW of Mount Michelson, Brooks Range
Eskimo name for the American Gyrfalcon and means "the one that stays all winter." Reported in 1960 by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).
Chamberlin Glacier, Glacier G214672E69241N, Glacier G214686E69275N, Glacier G214722E69276N, Glacier G214838E69238N, Glacier G214854E69228N, Glacier G214876E69247N, Glacier G214877E69274N, Glaicer G215018E69218N, Glacier G215040E69281N, Glacier G215067E69259N, Glaicer G215072E69217N, Glacier G215074E69286N, Peters Glacier,
Lakes:Neruokpuk Lakes, Lake Peters, Lake Schrader,
Mountains:Mountain Ranges:Mary Range, Sadlerochit Mountains,
Ridges:Streams:Black Dog Creek, Carnivore Creek, Chamberlin Creek, Coke Creek, East Nularvik Creek, Fire Creek, Fossil Creek, Gravel Creek, Kaviak Creek, Limit Creek, Snow Creek, Spawning Creek, Talus Creek, West Nularvik Creek, Whistler Creek,