in Fairweather Range, 4.6 mi. S of Mount Crillon, in Glacier Bay National Monument 72 mi. NW of Hoonah, St. Elias Mts.
Named by W. H. Dall, U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey (USC&GS), in 1874 for Lepaute Dagelet, astronomer on LaPEROUSES expedition of 1786. The name was published as Mount DAgelet in the 1883 Coast Pilot (p. 202). The first ascent was made july 29, 1933 by W. S. Child, C. S. Houston, and H. A. Carter (Farguhar, 1959, p. 217).
Clark Glacier, Dagelet Glacier, Finger Glacier, Gilman Glacier, Johns Hopkins Glacier, Klooch Glacier, Lookout Glacier, North Crillon Glacier, La Perouse Glacier, South Crillon Glacier,
Lakes:Mountains:Mount Abbe, Mount Bertha, Cairn Peak, Carin Peak, Mount Crillon, Mount Dagelet, Mount Klooch, Mount La Perouse, Mount Marchainville, Middle Dome, North Dome, Mount Orville, Ptarmigan Dome, South Dome, Mount Wilbur, Mount Wright,
Mountain Ranges:Streams:Valleys: