group, extends SE of Titus Paul Hill, W of Kalutna River, 25 mi. SE of Tok, Yukon-Tanana High.
Local name published by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in 1965. The lakes are considered the fishing grounds of the Titus clan of Indians.
Big John Lake, Big Lake, Chindagmund Lake, Chuimund Lake, Close Lake, Fish Camp Lake, Gasoline Lake, Grass Lake, Halthmund Lake, Joe Lake, Leaf Lake, Long Fred Lake, Long Lake, Louie Lake, Midway Lake, Mundcho Lake, Nuziamund Lake, Nuziamundcho Lake, Old Albert Lake, Porcupine Grass Lake, Round Lake, Skate Lake, Sun Lake, Swan Lake, Thadlthamund Lake, Titus Lakes, Tlechegn Lake, Tlocogn Lake, Tsilchin Lake, Tutkaimund Lake, Willow Lake,
Mountains:Big John Hill, Chisana Mountain, Halthalda Hill, Kinshuda Hill, Titus Paul Hill,
Rivers:Kalukna River, Kalutna River, Tetlin River,