at head of Natvakruak Creek, 3 mi. NW of Nasaurak Mtn. and 11 mi. N of Anaktuvuk Pass, Arctic Slope.
Name reported by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in 1951 for the creek which it heads. Eskimo name, meaning "old lake (narvakruak)," reported in 1945 by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).
Anivik Lake, Cache Lake, Eleanor Lake, Makaktuk Lake, Napaktualuit Lake, Natvakruak Lake,
Mountains:Napaktualuit Mountain, Nasaurak Mountain, Soakpak Mountain,
Streams:Akvalutak Creek, Anivik Creek, Contact Creek, Firestone Creek, Kongumavik Creek, Skimo Creek,