one of largest of Shumagin Is., Aleutian Range
This native name was reported in English by Sauer (1802, p. 166); reported in French as "Ile Nagay" by Captain Lutke (1836, map 24), Imperial Russian Navy (IRN). According to the log of Captain Commander V. Bering's ship St. Peter for August 31, 1741, a sailor named "Shumagin" died and was buried here, and his name was given to the group of islands.
Caton Cove, Eagle Harbor, Falmouth Harbor, The Kitchen, Larsen Bay, Sanborn Harbor,
Capes:Cape Horn, Granite Point, Mountain Point,
Cliffs:Islands:Atniliak Island, John Island, Kagai Island, Kaiasik, Kaniliak, Kauatka, Kulyugayak, Macks Head Island, Nagai Island, Near Island, Sauluktouchikh, Schumachinskaia, Shag Rock, Sitymkan, Tungulik,
Mountains:Mount Davidson, Eagle Mountain,