Information About

Flaxman Island

Flaxman Island

Quick Facts
  • North Slope
Nearest City:

between Beaufort Sea and Lion Bay, Arctic Plain. 7 miles long.

History of Flaxman Island

Named August 6, 1826 by Franklin (1828, p. 151), "in honour of the late eminent sculptor. It is about four miles long, and two broad, and rises, at its highest elevation, about fifty feet * * *." John Flaxman, 1755-1826, was an English sculptor and draftsman, who will probably be remembered "best as the designer of the exquisite little cameos that stand out so charmingly in dead white on the dead blue background of Wedgwood pottery; * * *" (Stuck, 1920, p. 289). The Eskimo name, "Sidrak," was reported in 1912 to mean "fox hole", (1919, p. 95).

Places Near Flaxman Island

Lion Bay,


Point Brownlow, Brownlow Point,


Flaxman Island,


Staines River, West Canning River,