one of Rat Islands.; Aleutian Islands.
the October 28, 1741, (Old Style (O.S.) calendar), entry in the log book of the St. Peter, commanded by Vitus Bering, reads "By the will of God Stephan Buldirev (later written Stephan Bogdriev), naval cooper, dies of scurvey" (Golder, 1922, p. 210). Bering named an island "St. Stephen." Golder, correlate the island of Bering with that of present-day Buldir Island, and, if so, it may have been named for the sailor that died on its discovery day. published on a 1791 map by Lieutenant Sarichev (1826, map 3), Imperial Russian Navy (IRN), and thus he may be responsible for the naming. Baker (1906, p. 151), U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), gives the meaning of "Buldir" as "hut" (or hovel)," implying a descriptive name. v. 2, p. 247) appears to translate the name as "round".
East Cape, Northwest Point, Southeast Point, Southwest Point,
Islands:Buldir Island, Sanguhmax, Tamalax, Ungluugamax,