On the Chukachi Sea coast, E of Tasikpak Lagoon, at the W end of the De Long Mountains near the Chukchi Sea, 20 mi NW of Kivalina, Arctic Slope.
Eskimo name meaning "material for making a cooking pot." Reported in 1950 by U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey (USC&GS).
Nulagvik Lagoon, Sigvu Lagoon,
Capes:Hills:Igrak Hill, Kavrorak Hill, Pogoseluk Hill, Pusaluk Mountain, Sakrorak Mountain, Tatigirok Hill, Utkusikrak Hill,
Lakes:Asikpak Lagoon, Kavrorak Lagoon, Pusaluk Lagoon, Seppings Lagoon, Singoalik Lagoon, Tasikpak Lagoon, Tugak Lagoon,
Mountain Passes:Ridges:Rivers:Asikpak River, Singoalik River,
Streams:Okpiksugruk Creek, Sakrorak Creek, Tagiunituk Creek, Tasikpak Creek, Tatigirok Creek, Umarachek Creek,