Pika Glacier is the landing zone and popular base camp for Little Switzerland. It's roughly 4.5 miles long and located in the Alaska Range, and feeds into the Kahiltna Glacier.
The fastest and easiest way to access Pika Glacier is via an air taxi in Talkeetna.
Crown Glacier, Glacier G208532E62681N, Glacier G208541E62705N, Glacier G208558E62721N, Glacier G208579E62609N, Glacier G208594E62593N, Glacier G208726E62664N, Glacier G208814E62659N, Glacier G208835E62676N, Glacier G208859E62713N, Hidden Glacier, Kahiltna Glacier, Pika Glacier,
Mountains:Coronet, Crown Jewel, Dragon Spine, Dragons Head, Hobbit King, Mount Hunter, Italys Boot, Lady in Waiting, Munchkin, North Troll, Peak 6835, Royal Tower, Scimitar, South Troll, Mount Stevens, The Throne, Witches Hat, Your Highness,
Mountain Passes:Peaks:Avalanche Spire, Middle Troll, Peak P626926W511545,
Ridges:Streams:Basic Creek, Dutch Creek, Hidden Creek, Siwash Creek, Stony Creek,