on Kenai Peninsula, trends N to its terminus, 1 mi. SW of Portage Lake, 6 mi. WSW of Whittier, Chugach Mts. 2 miles long.
Byron Glacier is a popular destination for many reason. It's close to Anchorage, it has awesome ice caves, and it's a short easy hike to access the ice caves.
Caution is advised if entering the ice caves, ice from the ceiling and rocks trapped in the ice may fall at anytime resulting in serious injury or even death. People have died out there from collapsing features.
From Anchorage, take highway one, south (east) for almost 50 miles, has the highway begins to hook around Cook Inlet turn east on to Portage Glacier Rd. Follow that for 6.5 miles and then right on to Byron Glacier Rd. It's like going to the Portage Visitors Center but continuing to stay right. The trail head is near the end of the road.
From there it's a short fairly level hike.
Local name reported in 1951 by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).
Peterson Creek Glacier, Bartlett Glacier, Beloit Glacier, Blackstone Glacier, Burns Glacier, Byron Glacier, Carroll Glacier, Concordia Glacier, Deadman Glacier, Explorer Glacier, Glacier G210937E60962N, Glacier G210945E60953N, Glacier G210951E60950N, Glacier G210995E60941N, Glacier G211014E60947N, Glacier G211029E60937N, Glacier G211071E60936N, Glacier G211071E60936N, Glacier G211107E60948N, Glacier G211110E60758N, Glacier G211176E60873N, Glacier G211226E60788N, Glacier G211235E60779N, Glacier G211254E60750N, Kern Creek Glacier, Learnard Glacier, Lowell Glacier, Marquette Glacier, Milton Glacier, Northland Glacier, Portage Glacier, Shakespeare Glacier, Skookum Glacier, Spencer Glacier, Trail Glacier, Twentymile Glacier, Whittier Glacier,
Islands:Lakes:Airstrip Pond, Alder Pond, Carmen Lake, Divide Lake, Luebner Lake, Portage Lake,
Locales:Mountains:Mount Alyeska, Baird Peak, Bard Peak, Begich Peak, Blueberry Hill, Boggs Peak, Byron Peak, Carpathian Peak, Hibbs Peak, Kinnikinnick Mountain, Lingon Mountain, Mount Luther Kelly, Maynard Mountain, Shakespeare Shoulder,
Mountain Passes:Peaks:Bearberry Point, Berg Peak, Bramble Knoll, Explorer Peak, Flying Cornice, Highbush Peak, Learnard Peak, Lowbush Peak, Lowell Peak, Mismapped Mountain, Portage Peak, Roost,
Rivers:Glacier River, Placer River, South Fork Upper Carmen River, Twentymile River, Upper Carmen River,
Streams:Cove Creek, Ingram Creek, Peterson Creek, Placer Creek, Portage Creek, Skookum Creek, Whittier Creek, Whittier Creek,
Routes:Byron Glacier Trail, Portage Pass Trail, Spencer Glacier Trail, Trail of Blue Ice,