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Quick Facts
  • Dillingham (CA)

population 220, at head of Togaik Bay, 2 mi. W of mouth of Togiak River and 43 mi. E of Goodnews, Kilbuck-Kuskokwim Mts.

History of Togiak

Eskimo village name reported as "S(elo) Tugiatak," or "Tugiak Village," by Lieutenant Sarichev (1826, map 3); and as "S(leo) Tugiak" by Captain Tebenkov (1852, map 4) Imperial Russian Navy (IRN). In 1880 Petroff (1881, p. 48) recorded two villages, "Togiagamute," population 276 (94 in 1890) and "Togiak Station," population 28 (14 in 1890), both located, on his map, E of the mouth of the river, about 7 mi. apart. The southernmost, "Togiak Station" has been called "Owens," named, according to Frank Waskey, local trader and prospector for Johnny Owens who operated this important trading post. "Togiak Village" was published in the 1947 Coast Pilot (p. 530). The population was 71 in 1945 and 108 in 1950. Togiak was incorporated as a city on June 10, 1969.