Located on the eastern shore of Kamishak Bay, 1.5 miles north of Horseshoe Cove, 32 miles southwest of Augustine Island, Aleutian Range.
Local name published by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in 1951. Charlie McNeil was a rancher in the area in the early 1920s.
Akjemguiga Cove, Akumwarvik Bay, Amakdedulia Cove, Horseshoe Cove, McNeil Cove, Pinkidulia Cove,
Capes:Islands:Lakes:Mountains:Rivers:Kamishak River, Little Kamishak River, McNeil River, Paint River,
Streams:Amakdedori Creek, Dunuletak Creek, Mikfik Creek, Strike Creek, Sulukpuk Creek,