on SW coast of Kruzof I., 10 mi. W of Sitka, Alex. Arch.
The name "Cabo del Engano tilde" meaning "cape of deception (or deceit)" was given to Cape Edgecumbe in 1775 by F. A. Maurelle (in La Perouse, 1798, pl. 26). The U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey (USC&GS) applied the name to this point of land in 1926.
Port Mary, Cuvacan Cove, Goleta Cove, Neva Bay, Shelikof Bay,
Capes:Point Mary, Point Amelia, Beaver Point, Cape Edgecumbe, Engano Point, Shoals Point, Sitka Point, Trubitsin Point,
Islands:Goloi Island, Kruzof Island, Lava Island, Liesnoi Island, Slaughter Island,
Mountains:Mount Edgecumbe, Shell Mountain,