Information About

Cape Sarichef

Cape Sarichef

Quick Facts
  • Aleutians East
Nearest City:
  • 128 ft (39.01 m)

on W coast of Unimak I.; Aleutian Islands.

History of Cape Sarichef

named by Captain Lutke (1836, p. 293) for Vice Admiral and Hydrographer Gavrila Andreivich Sarichev who explored the Arctic in 1787 and who later served under Commodore Joseph Billings during explorations of the Bering Sea and Alaska in 1790-92. under the direction of Sarichev entitled "Atlas of the Northern Port of the Pacific Ocean and which was used in the preparation of this dictionary. by Father Veniaminov (1840, v. 1, p. 212) as Kakatkhusik, which may possibly come from the word "qakatikuqing" which according to R. H. Geoghegan, means "to grow dry." name applied to this feature by Captain Tebenkov (1852, map 24) and U.S. Bureau of Fisheries (USBF) in 1888.