Information About

Canoe Point

Canoe Point

Quick Facts
  • Prince of Wales-Hyder (CA)
Nearest City:
  • 171 ft (52.12 m)

On the W cost of Prince of Wales Island and on the E shore of Trocadero Bay, 8 mi SE of Craig, Alex. Arch.

History of Canoe Point

Spanish name given in 1775-79 by Don Juan de la Bogega y Quadra and Francisco Antoniao Murelle as "Punta de la Canoa", meaning "point of the canoe."

Places Near Canoe Point

Alberto Islands, Lively Islands, Prince of Wales Archipelago,


The Sentinels,


Alberto Reef, Balandra Shoal, Ballena Island Shoal, Fish Egg Reef, Klawock Reef,


Port Bagial, Port Caldera, Port Saint Nicholas, Big Bay, Bobs Bay, Crab Bay, Crab Trap Cove, Diver Bay, Doyle Bay, Farallon Bay, Goat Mouth Inlet, Hole-in-the-Wall, Klawock Inlet, Natzuhini Bay, North Bay, Shelter Cove, Shinaku Inlet, Soda Bay, Soda Bay, Trocadero Bay,


Point Miraballes, Point Saint Sebastian, Point Batan, Point Iphigenia, Point Lomas, Boreas Point, Canoe Point, Cape Suspiro, Cayman Point, Cemetery Point, Diver Point, Eagle Point, Entrance Point, Halibut Nose, Hassler Point, Horn Point, Natalia Point, Perlas Point, Punta de los Almos, Punta De los Islotillos, Point San Antonio, Tranquil Point, Turn Point, Whisker Point,


Meares Passage, North Pass, South Entrance, South Pass, Sukkwan Narrows, Tlevak Narrows,


Craig, Hydaburg, Klawock,


Craig Water Supply Dam, Klawock Dam, Waterfall Dam,


Abbess Island, Balandra Island, Ballena Islands, Block Island, Bush Islets, Canas Island, Clam Island, Cole Island, Comma Island, Coronados Islands, Craig Island, Culebrina Island, Deadman Island, Fish Egg Island, Fishhook Island, Fort Islet, Goat Island, Guide Island, Horseshoe Island, Klawock Island, Ladrones Islands, Madre de Dios Island, Meares Island, Middle Island, Midway Island, Mushroom Island, Natalia Island, Panhandle Island, Passage Island, Peratrovich Island, Rancheria Island, Ridge Island, Round Island, Scrag Islands, The Sentinels, Shelikof Island, Signal Island, Snag Island, Spook Island, Toti Island, Ulloa Island, Unlucky Island, Wadleigh Island, Wadleigh Rock, The Witnesses,


Black Bear Lake, Black Lake, Klawock Lake, Lake Saint Nicholas, Waterfall Reservoir,


Lucky Nell Mine,


Pin Peak, Sunny Hay Mountain,

Mountain Passes:

Canoe Pass, North Pass Sukkwan Strait, South Pass Sukkwan Strait, Sukkwan Narrows,


Turn Rock,


Hydaburg River, Klawock River,


Crab Creek, Gandlay Hanaa, Halfmile Creek, Soda Creek, Threemile Creek,


Canoe Point Trail, Soda Lake Trail Prince of Wales Island,