Information About

Kotzebue Sound

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66 ° 32' 46" N,
162 ° 44' 57.998" W


Northwest Arctic

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Kotzebue Sound in Detail.


on W coast of Alaska, N of Seward Peninsula; Kotzebue-Kobuck Low.


named by Lieutenant Otto von Kotzebue for himself after discovering the bay in 1816. of my companions, I called this newly discovered sound by my name, Kotzebue's Sound." Admiral A. J. von Krusenstern on his circumnavigation of the world in 1803-06 and commanded two other voyages around the world, 1815-17 and 1823-26. northwest coast of Alaska in 1816 to find the western end of a Northwest passage.

Places Near Kotzebue Sound

Kotzebue Sound,