Information About



Quick Facts
  • Wrangell
  • 69 ft (21.03 m)

population 18315, on N coast of Wrangell I., Alex Arch.

History of Wrangell

Wrangell began as a stockade built by the Russians occupying the island in 1834 to prevent encroachment by the Hudson's Bay Company traders "(Bridgwater and Sherwood, 1950, p. 2,175). It was called "Red(ut) Sv (ataya) Dionisiya, "meaning" "Redoubt (fort) Saint Dionysius," by the Russian Hydrographic Dept. on Chart 1396 published in 1848. In 1839 the Russians leased part of Southeast Alaska to the British who changed the name military post, called "Fort Wrangell," was established here; it was abandoned in 1877. "Fort Wrangell" post office was established in 1869; changed to Wrangell in 1902 (Ricks, 1965, p. 21, 72). Because of its location Wrangell became an important supply point for fur traders and miners beginning with the Stikine gold rush in 1861 (Alaska Sportsman, 1962, no. 12, p. 30). The population in 1890 was 316; 1000 (est.) in 1938; 948 in 1945; and 1,162 in 1950. Wrangell's ecoonomy today is dominated by the fishing and lumbering industries, maintaining three canneries and two l

Places Near Wrangell

City of Topeka Rock, Koknuk Flats,


Circle Bay, King George Bay, Shoemaker Bay,


Point Madan, Point Rothsay, Point Shekesti, Point Ancon, Point Highfield, Babbler Point, Blaquiere Point, Cemetery Point, East Point, Garnet Ledge, Gerard Point, Green Point, Hooligan Point, Nemo Point, Polk Point, Reef Point, Wedge Point, Woronkofski Point,


Chichagof Pass, Dry Strait, Eastern Passage, North Arm,




Wrangell Lower Dam, Wrangell Upper Dam,


Dewey Hill,


The Eye Opener, Andrew Island, Channel Island, Cottonwood Islands, Deadmans Island, The Desert, Drag Island, Dry Island, Etolin Island, Farm Island, Fivemile Island, Greys Island, Hat Island, Hidden Island, Kadin Island, Liesnoi Island, Limb Island, Little Dry Island, Pocket Island, Rynda Island, Sergief Island, Sokolof Island, Summit Island, Woronkofski Island, Wrangell Island, Young Rock,


Kunk Lake, Pats Lake, Sunrise Lake, Virginia Lake,


Ancon Peak, Bessie Peak, Chichagof Peak, East Mountain, Elephants Nose, Favor Peak, Garnet Mountain, Red Mountain, Mount Rynda, Sunrise Peak, Sunset Peak, Mount Woronkofski, Wrangell Peak,

Mountain Passes:

Andrew Slough, Binkleys Slough, Knig Slough,


Stikine River,


Andrew Creek, Crittenden Creek, Garnet Creek, Government Creek, Hooligan Slough, Institute Creek, Kunk Creek, McCormack Creek, Mill Creek, North Arm Creek, Pat Creek, Salamander Creek, South Fork Andrew Creek,


Rainbow Falls,

Birds Sighted Here

Sorted by Most Common to Least Common Viewings

Common Merganser, Glaucous-winged Gull, Black Turnstone, Common Gull, Sandhill Crane, Surf Scoter, Barrow's Goldeneye, Harlequin Duck, Common Starling, Bonaparte's Gull, Common Raven, Common Murre, American Crow, Pine Siskin, Snow Goose, Pacific Loon, American Wigeon, Mallard, Buff-bellied Pipit, Western Sandpiper, Red Crossbill, Dark-eyed Junco, Herring Gull, Canada Goose, Common Redpoll, Savannah Sparrow, Least Sandpiper, Golden-crowned Sparrow, Barn Swallow, Varied Thrush, Lesser Yellowlegs, American Robin, Marbled Murrelet, Long-tailed Duck, White-winged Scoter, Red-necked Grebe, Greater White-fronted Goose, Northern Shoveler, Bufflehead, Surfbird, Dunlin, Rock Sandpiper, Pigeon Guillemot, Yellow-rumped Warbler, Greater Scaup, Bald Eagle, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Fox Sparrow, Western Grebe, Violet-green Swallow, Song Sparrow, Killdeer, Black-legged Kittiwake, California Gull, Golden-crowned Kinglet, Townsend's Warbler, Red-breasted Merganser, Great Blue Heron, Belted Kingfisher, Chestnut-backed Chickadee, White-crowned Sparrow, Spotted Sandpiper, Iceland Gull, Common Loon, Steller's Jay, Orange-crowned Warbler, Wilson's Warbler, Green-winged Teal, Black Scoter, White-winged Crossbill, Eurasian Wigeon, Common Goldeneye, Horned Grebe, Pelagic Cormorant, Red-breasted Sapsucker, Hairy Woodpecker, Northern Flicker, Olive-sided Flycatcher, Western Wood-Pewee, Pacific-slope Flycatcher, Pacific Wren, Swainson's Thrush, Hermit Thrush, Lincoln's Sparrow, Yellow Warbler, Cackling Goose, Gadwall, Lesser Scaup, Eurasian Collared Dove, Rufous Hummingbird, Semipalmated Sandpiper, Wilson's Snipe, Greater Yellowlegs, Red-throated Loon, Yellow-billed Loon, Double-crested Cormorant, Northern Harrier, Western Screech-Owl, Cassin's Vireo, Black-billed Magpie, Brown Creeper, American Dipper, White-throated Sparrow, Rock Pigeon